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    Apply for a Business Account

    Trade Customer

    Are you a Reseller, Distributor, or Trade User, then why not apply now for a Business Account, and open your business to the gateway of more than 4000 parts, and a selection of Global Brands offered by APG Industrial, a division of Africa Parts Group.


    A Business account gives you the following benefits:-

    • Trade Pricing customised specifically for you and your Industry
    • Access to a Credit Account with 30 day payment terms (subject to credit approval)
    • Real time stock availability
    • Live Tracking of all your orders
    • Full access to your account to view all orders, invoices, proof of delivery, payments and much more
    • Access to monthly business promotions


    Existing Business Customer

    If you already have an account with APG Industrial, simply complete the form below and we will make contact with you to link your on line profile to your account and you can immediately start benefitting from the many business features.



    New Business Customer

    If you are not currently a business customer within APG Industrial, complete the form below and indicate that you are a new customer and a sales representative will make contact with you to begin the process of opening an account and linking you to our e-commerce platform.

    Apply for a business account

    Please fill in the form below:
